Monday, October 30, 2006

Cooking : Halloween 2006

Haven't had the chance to cook or bake in quite a while so I jumped at the chance to cook for the Halloween party that we had on Saturday. For last year's party, I baked a cupcake graveyard with tombstones, gummi worms and Oreo crumbs as sand. This year, I decided to go the savoury route... and I figured if I was going to cook, I might as well go all out :)

To fit the occasion, I prepared a few common dishes with an added Halloween twist.

Inspired by a cooking show I saw recently, I wanted to make "Pigs in a Blanket" - cocktail sausages wrapped in puff pastry... but gave it a gory twist...

It's supposed to look like severed fingers with a bandage wrapped around it :)

And for the Deviled Eggs, I added an olive and a drop of ketchup to make it look like eyes :)

Also prepared a Baked Pasta in case people were craving carbs...

And my usual Spicy Chicken Wings...

Yup, I prepared quite the spread :)


Anonymous said...

oh so cute!! makes me hungrier than all the food u have written about before haha. and does everyone know how to bake except me?
- shimian

Burpette said...

How come you've never cooked for us?? I've never tasted anything you've made except for your earl grey cookies... *jealous*

Esther said...

shimian - if you have an oven at your place, you should really try baking... it's much easier than it looks :)

daphne - yah hor, we've had many parties but I've never had the chance to cook for you guys... let's see if any opportunity comes up soon. plus I have to be in the mood to cook :P

Karen M said...

Yah man, known you for so long but I've never had the chance to try out your cooking.

Looks good girl! How did your costume go? How about a pic of that? :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, pictures of pirate costume, please!!

P/S: The food looks awesome!

Alicia said...

Anyone brought Baked Placenta? I'm certain that would've rocked the horror house :)