Sunday, October 04, 2009

Allaudin's Briyani

A bunch of us in the office decided to have a weekly regular lunch-in where we would have something special for lunch and we started with ordering Nasi Briyani $4.50 from this supposedly famous nasi briyani stall at Tekka Market. I was told the mutton one was better than the chicken so that was the one I ordered.

We were super excited when the delivery arrived...

It looks kinda sad huh? The piece of mutton was hidden under the briyani rice, and while it was tender and tasty, it was a really small piece. The curry and rice were ok, but not spectacular. A few of my colleagues have really big appetites (they are females, mind you) and were quite unsatisfied by this meal.

Not a great start to our weekly lunching-in sessions but we perservered :) most lunching-in posts to come!

Allauddin's Briyani
Block 665 Buffalo Road
#01-297 Tekka Centre


Joe Yap said...

I think I found the problem.

"Something special for lunch" does not equate with "Nasi Briyani"

Still, the plastic bento-style, see-through container is pretty cool! I hope it's recyclable at least.

Esther said...

"Something special" as in not something around here lah! Xian of the food around here so we're trying to eat different stuff.

A colleague kept all the boxes - hopefully she made good use of it...