In the spirit of the festive season, I decided to blog about my favouritest almond cookie which is available all year round but I try to restrict myself eat it to just during Chinese New Year -

The almond cookie from Joyus Pastries are absolutely... joyous! Ok, enough corniness... but this cookie is seriously "can't just stop at one" amazing. At nearly $10 it's not cheap but I feel it's worth every cent. I also have the tendency to drag it out for quite a while - am incredibly disciplined about not eating too many at one go. Erm, it's usually more than one but less than five :D
I used to buy it from a pushcart in Raffles Place but they now have a shop at the Tanjong Pagar MRT station. Heard the pineapple tarts are really good too so will try to make time to go and buy some soon...
Err. five a mouthful ? a second ? what's the rate we're talking about here ?
I have the same problem with Kueh Bangkit (those white powdery cookies). I could kill myself eating them.. literally.
Also, re: biscotti. You know.. I always thought they were some form of stale bread. Never really thought about 'fresh' biscotti. :D
five at one go lah, actually i try to keep it to three. a rule i practiced just mins ago :D
Came across your blog after google searching Joyus Pastries to see if they have a website for online shopping.
I'm from Australia and went to Singapore for holidays last week.. Tried these almond cookie and found out that they are really fantastic!! I bought 4 of them to bring back to Aussie as souvenirs for my friends and i'm highly regretting it. I should have kept them for myself!! Because I'm practically CRAVING for it now~~
Maybe if you pass by the shop again, you should suggest them to sell them online and make sure they ship to Australia!! I can't wait to visit Singapore again..
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